Alpha Plus USD Government Securities Fund

Alpha Plus USD Government Securities Fund*

The Fund is an open-ended common fund incorporated under Georgian Law and managed by Alpha Plus Asset Management LLC (ID: 405611690). The Fund pools investors’ US$ funds and invests in high-grade liquid US$ government securities and provides low-risk cash-like investment product to Qualified Investors**.

Investment Objective & Strategy

The Fund’s primary investment objective is to provide cash-like investment alternative, where qualified investor can easily invest and exit highly liquid investment grade securities in USD. The Fund will invest minimum 90% of its assets in a portfolio of US Government Treasury securities (notes, bonds and bills) and related money market instruments. Remaining portfolio may be invested in the listed short-term investment grade US$ fixed income securities. The Fund is entitled to repo (only short term) and/or hedge its exposure.

Fund Structure and fees

Asset Manager Alpha Plus Asset Management LLC
Currency US$
Minimum Investment Class A units: US$ 5mln; Class B units***
Fund Structure Open-ended common fund
Redemption Permitted at any time
Dividend Distribution Monthly
Tenor Evergreen
Offering Class A and Class B Units
Reporting Daily NAV and annual IFRS audited statements
Governing Law Georgian Law
Investors Qualified Investors only
Subscription Fee****
Class A Units 0.10%
Class B Units 0.10%
Annual Management Fee
Class A Units 0.25%
Class B Units 0.35%
Other Charges Bank fees, broker charges, etc.

* Fund documentation will be provided to Qualified Investors.
** Qualified Investors as per Georgian Securities Law definition.
*** Subject to agreement with Asset Manager.
**** Subscription Fee will be waived on reinvestments within 3 months from redemption.